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Metaverse and WEB3

Started by Patrikov, Jun 30, 2023, 02:38 PM

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Both the Metaverse and Web3 embody the future of the Internet. The Metaverse is not a technology or a company, but rather a virtual world that utilizes advanced technologies like AI, big data, 5G, and virtual engines. It functions as a continuous, decentralized economic system.

Web3, on the other hand, aims to propel the Internet into the future, eliminating centralized entities and placing control in the hands of users. The core elements of the Metaverse, such as "digital identity," "economic system," and "artificial intelligence," are closely intertwined with the concept of Web3.


Quote from: Patrikov on Jun 30, 2023, 02:38 PMBoth the Metaverse and Web3 embody the future of the Internet. The Metaverse is not a technology or a company, but rather a virtual world that utilizes advanced technologies like AI, big data, 5G, and virtual engines. It functions as a continuous, decentralized economic system.

Web3, on the other hand, aims to propel the Internet into the future, eliminating centralized entities and placing control in the hands of users. The core elements of the Metaverse, such as "digital identity," "economic system," and "artificial intelligence," are closely intertwined with the concept of Web3.
Metaworld is a series of independent virtual spaces. All these separate virtual spaces are connected. With the continuous progress of science and technology, people can enter these worlds more easily, and virtual and reality are combined.


Indeed, both the Metaverse and Web3 represent transformative trends in the evolution of the internet, and they share key principles that contribute to a more decentralized, user-centric, and interconnected digital environment. While the Metaverse and Web3 have distinct focuses, they converge in their commitment to decentralization, user empowerment, and the integration of blockchain technology. Together, they shape the future of the internet, offering a vision of a more interconnected, inclusive, and user-driven digital landscape.


The Metaverse and Web3 mark transformative trends in internet evolution, sharing principles of decentralization, user-centricity, and blockchain integration. Though distinct, they converge in shaping a future internet — decentralized, empowering users, and interconnected. Together, they envision an inclusive, user-driven digital landscape.