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BTC reward halved

Started by lilili999, Nov 27, 2023, 10:23 PM

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The reward is halved after every 210000 blocks are mined, with a certain but diminishing mechanism.
Most of the BTC is in circulation.


Halving is important because each halving reduces the rate at which new bitcoins enter circulation by 50%. This limits inflation and aims to prevent the value of existing bitcoins from falling. As long as Satoshi Nakamoto's rules are followed, only 21 million bitcoins can exist. Halving occurs roughly every four years until the final bitcoin is mined around 2,140 years. In addition to controlling supply, the halving also makes Bitcoin more scarce over time. Coupled with fluctuating demand, this scarcity is a key driver of bitcoin's valuation. In the past, halving was often associated with bull markets and rising prices.


Yes, Bitcoin's mining rewards are halved every 210,000 blocks. This process is called "Halving" and is inherent in the Bitcoin protocol. Initially, the reward for each mined block is 50 Bitcoins, then halved to 25 Bitcoins, 12.5 Bitcoins, then 6.25 Bitcoins, and so on. The purpose of this mechanism is to gradually reduce the supply of Bitcoin until it reaches a maximum limit of 21 million coins.
As for whether most Bitcoins are in circulation, it is understood that as of 2022, approximately 189,000 to 191,000 Bitcoins have been mined and put on the market. This means that the vast majority of Bitcoins are already in circulation, but there are still some Bitcoins that have not been mined or are in long-term storage and will be released to the market in the future.


A Bitcoin halving is an event that occurs approximately every 4 years and mainly refers to halving the block reward given to miners. This will directly reduce the rate at which new BTCs are created, which in turn will reduce the total supply (the maximum supply of 21 million remains the same) and make BTCs more scarce.


Certainly! Here's the polished version of the provided text within the 50-word limit:

"Halving is crucial as it reduces the rate of new bitcoins entering circulation by 50%, curbing inflation and safeguarding existing bitcoin value. Following Satoshi Nakamoto's rules, only 21 million bitcoins can exist. Halving occurs every ~4 years until the final bitcoin in 2,140 years, increasing scarcity, and influencing bitcoin's valuation, often triggering bull markets and price surges."

If you have any more text to polish or any other questions, feel free to ask!


Halving, occurring approximately every four years in Bitcoin, slashes the rate of new coins entering circulation by 50%, curbing inflation and safeguarding existing coins' value. Governed by Satoshi Nakamoto's rules, only 21 million bitcoins can exist. This process, coupled with fluctuating demand, propels Bitcoin's scarcity, a key factor in its valuation. Currently, around 189,000 to 191,000 bitcoins have been mined and are in circulation, emphasizing the finite nature of this cryptocurrency.


Quote from: lilili999 on Nov 27, 2023, 10:23 PMThe reward is halved after every 210000 blocks are mined, with a certain but diminishing mechanism.
Most of the BTC is in circulation.
It seems like you're referring to the Bitcoin (BTC) halving event, which is a built-in feature of the Bitcoin protocol. Bitcoin halving occurs approximately every four years or after every 210,000 blocks are mined. During this event, the reward that miners receive for adding a new block to the blockchain is reduced by half. This process is programmed to continue until the maximum supply of 21 million bitcoins is reached.

The purpose of the halving is to control the supply of new bitcoins entering circulation and to mimic the scarcity and decreasing rate of resource extraction, similar to precious metals like gold. The halving events contribute to Bitcoin's deflationary nature, and as you mentioned, it leads to a diminishing issuance mechanism.


When the BTC reward is halved, it means the number of bitcoins miners receive for verifying transactions is cut in half. This happens about every four years and is called the "halving." It's part of Bitcoin's design to control its supply and maintain its value over time.