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Twitter logo changed to X

Started by anbushinta, Jul 26, 2023, 03:44 PM

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As you read latest news that Elon changed the logo's twitter to X and of course many shocked about it hence the bird logo has been already an iconic image brand of twitter. What are your thoughts about it, did Elon made a huge mistake or it will have a good effect in the future of twitter?


On the afternoon of July 24, Beijing time, Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino issued a post announcing that the Twitter Logo was officially changed to X. On Sunday local time, Musk reposted a Yaccarino post stating that the idea of the X service is to create a global market driven by artificial intelligence (AI) that "integrates ideas, goods, services, and opportunities" and will include payment, banking, and multiple functions such as audio, video, and messaging.