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About gamefi

Started by Patrikov, Jul 25, 2023, 10:41 PM

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GameFi is a term derived from combining "Game" and "DeFi" (Decentralized Finance). It represents the fusion of gaming and decentralized finance worlds. GameFi is an emerging category in the cryptocurrency ecosystem that blends gaming elements such as gameplay, item collection, and achievements with the financial and economic opportunities offered by blockchain technology.

In GameFi, users can earn, trade, and manage digital assets within games using NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and other digital assets. The ability to earn rewards, achieve profits, and increase the value of digital assets in games creates new possibilities and encourages players to engage more actively.

GameFi also encourages the creation and investment in games that can become profitable ventures, thanks to decentralized economic mechanisms and community support. This opens doors for game developers, investors, and players, who can benefit from the growing popularity and value of the GameFi market.


The term "GameFi," a combination of the words "gaming" and "finance," was originally coined in a 2020 tweet by Yearn Finance CEO Andre Cronje. GameFi mixes blockchain technology, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and game mechanics to create a virtual environment where players can participate and receive tokens.
Until recently, video games were hosted on centralized servers, with developers and publishers owning the rights to all content in their games. This means players have no actual ownership or control over any digital items accumulated over the course of hours or years of gameplay. These items range from weapons and clothing (also known as "skins") to avatars and virtual lands--few of which have any value outside of the game. Therefore, without following a professional route (such as vlogging, Twitch streaming, or participating in tournaments), there is no real way for players to be compensated for their online time or share the value of earned in-game assets. .
That's not the case with the GameFi project, however. Players of these games can earn in-game rewards by completing missions and progressing through various game levels. Unlike traditional in-game currency and items, these rewards have measurable value outside the game ecosystem.


The combination of game and blockchain technology, popular point, blockchain GameFi is to present financial products in a game way
GameFi stands for "gaming" and "finance." GameFi is closely related to DeFi. Like DeFi, game applications are managed in a decentralized manner. This means that the game runs on the blockchain. However, GameFi is not a standard game. GameFi uses the principle of "making money by playing games." This means that users have to play games to make money.