GameFi Growth: How to Keep Game Users Retained

Started by Ht88888, Jul 26, 2023, 11:24 PM

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Chain games have the problem of low user retention. For all the talk about being the future of gaming, 90% of blockchain games are inactive within 30 days.
Without players enjoying the game for a long time, most GameFi projects today are still just DeFi protocols, and have more beautiful graphics and some interactive elements.
But is this changing? And, is there a way for blockchain games to leverage on-chain data to improve retention, creating a more complex answer than "just improve gameplay"?


You are correct. There is a problem with low user retention in blockchain games. This is a major challenge that the blockchain gaming industry needs to address if it wants to be successful.

There are a number of reasons why blockchain games have low user retention. Some of the most common reasons include:

Poor gameplay: Many blockchain games are not very fun to play. They are often repetitive and lack depth.
High entry costs: Many blockchain games require players to purchase NFTs or tokens in order to play. This can be a barrier to entry for many players.
Lack of marketing: Many blockchain games do not have a strong marketing presence. This means that players are not aware of the games, and they are less likely to try them.
There are a number of ways that blockchain games can leverage on-chain data to improve retention. Some of the most promising methods include:

Analyzing player behavior: Blockchain games can track player behavior on-chain. This data can be used to identify patterns and trends that can help to improve the game. For example, if players are dropping out of the game at a certain point, the developers can adjust the game to make it more engaging at that point.
Rewarding player engagement: Blockchain games can reward players for engaging with the game. This can be done through NFTs, tokens, or other rewards. This will encourage players to keep playing the game and to achieve higher levels of engagement.
Creating a sense of community: Blockchain games can create a sense of community among players. This can be done through forums, chat rooms, and other social media channels. This will help to keep players engaged with the game and with each other.
There is no easy solution to the problem of low user retention in blockchain games. However, by leveraging on-chain data, blockchain games can improve their chances of success.

Here are some additional thoughts on how blockchain games can leverage on-chain data to improve retention:

Blockchain games can use on-chain data to identify players who are likely to churn. These players can then be targeted with specific interventions, such as rewards or invitations to join a community.
Blockchain games can use on-chain data to track player progress. This data can be used to create personalized challenges and rewards, which can help to keep players engaged.
Blockchain games can use on-chain data to track player spending. This data can be used to identify players who are spending money on the game, and to target them with marketing campaigns.
These are just a few examples of how blockchain games can leverage on-chain data to improve retention. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and creative ways to use on-chain data to improve the user experience in blockchain games.